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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Glass Yard Art

I wish I could take credit for all of these beautiful yard decorations, but I have to pay due to my talented mother in law who make such beautiful glass art!!  She manages to find such gorgeous pieces that fit together just perfect, and in our case, matches our yard so well!  
Glass Yard Art

 Seeing that I didn't make them, I'm going to do my best finding you a tutorial, so you can give it  a try yourself!  Here's one for the lovely birdbath from Oregon Live.  As I stated, this specific one was made by my mother in law.
 How beautiful is this?  I will say I have made one of these in the past and it didn't turn out nearly as beautiful as this!  Can you believe she makes them out of a bowling ball?
Here's a great tutorial for you.

 Think of how many gorgeous plates you've seen that you wish you could have found something to do with.  Here's your solution!!  Make them in any color, size, and layers you'd like, think of all the options?
Thrifty Northwest Mom tells you just how to do it!
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